MouldX cleaners will kill, clean and remove existing mould growth. MouldX paint, barrier, stain block and additive can then be used to prevent further growth and damage. Preventative measures should be taken in high humidity areas such as bathrooms before mould appears. In addition to using MouldX products, the following common sense measures can be taken to reduce the risk of mould growth.
Safety Tips:
Moulds can be useful to people. The drug penicillin is obtained from a specific type of mould. Some foods and drinks are made by the actions of moulds. These good kinds of moulds are selected and grown in a controlled fashion.
Aside from a water intrusion event such as flooding, leaking roofs, damaged pipes or hot water systems etc., the most common cause of mould comes from air exchange issues.
Moulds are microscopic fungi, a group of organisms which also includes mushrooms and yeasts. You encounter mould every day.
Food spoils because of mould. Leaves decay and pieces of wood lying on the ground rot due to mould. The black growth on wet window sills and walls is mould. Paper or fabrics stored in a damp place get a musty smell that is due to the action of moulds.
Moulds can be useful to people. The drug penicillin is obtained from a specific type of mould. Some foods and drinks are made by the actions of moulds. These good kinds of moulds are selected and grown in a controlled fashion. However, moulds are undesirable when they grow where we don’t want them, such as in homes. There are 3 undesirable effects of growth in the home:
Moulds will grow when provided with moisture and nutrients. High moisture levels can be the result of water coming in from the outside, through the floor, walls or roof; or from plumbing leaks; or moisture produced by the people living in the home, through daily activities like bathing, washing clothes or cooking.
Water enters the building when there is a weakness or failure in the structure. Moisture accumulates within the home when there is not enough ventilation to expel that moisture.
An Information Video for MouldX specialising in mould remediation & mould removal.
MouldX featured on The Today Show on RTE where it was demonstrated by Alan Grant of Expert Hardware.
TV advert for RTE and SKY Campaign throughout the UK & Ireland.